CRHIA (Centre de Recherches en Histoire Internationale et Atlantique – EA 1163, Universités de Nantes et La Rochelle/ International and Atlantic History Research Centre, Nantes and La Rochelle Universities) is one of the main historical research centres in the West of France. It is officially endorsed by the French Higher Education and Research Ministry, with a 5-year research contract running from 2017 to 2021. This unit brings together researchers specialised in ancient history, medieval history, modern history, contemporary history, literature and languages, with a total of 137 members (47 permanent research and teaching staff, 9 emeritus professors, 3 other researchers, 4 postdoctoral researchers, 67 research students and 7 administrative and technical staff), as well as 94 associate researchers, all working on a shared theme: ‘From the world to the Atlantic, from the Atlantic to the world: modalities, spaces and actors of international exchanges from Antiquity to today.’ One of its three research strands examines international relations, diplomacy and war. It is co-led by I. Pimouguet-Pédarros (with M. Catala et S. Jeannesson), with one sub-strand focusing on wartime transgression.
CERHiC (Center for Studies and Research in Cultural History, Reims Champagne Ardenne University) was set up in 2005. It is led by Isabelle Heullant-Donat, who is Professor of Medieval History. It brings together 20 permanent members, 16 associate members and around 20 doctoral students. The unit comprises historians of all periods and musicologists. It includes two members of the Institut Universitaire de France: Isabelle Poutrin (Senior member, 2016 cohort) and Delphine Diaz (Junior member, 2020 cohort). It is part of another ANR-funded project (AUPUBAR – 2020-2023, Claire Angotti). The research unit contract for 2018-2022 follows three strands, two of which are relevant for Parabainô: Norms, individuals and societies, as well as Models, cultures and transmissions
HISTEMÉ (History – Territory – Memory, formerly CRHQ, Caen University) is a research unit from Caen-Normandie University, which aims to carry out high-level scientific research by structuring projects and responding to funding calls (such as those of the National Research Agency ANR) on economic and social history themes, the relations between men and their environment, the history of powers and conflicts, cultural circulations and memory construction. The strand on Peace and Conflicts focuses on norms and responses to extreme situations. The unit’s research examines scales varying from the local to the international and favours long-term and multidisciplinary approaches. HISTEMÉ brings together permanent research and teaching staff, associate researchers and PGR students working in History, Literary and Performing Arts.
CReAAH (Centre for Research in Archaeology, Archaeosciences, History) is an interdisciplinary research structure. It is currently split across 4 sites: Rennes 1, Rennes 2, Nantes and Le Mans Universities. Its director is Marie-Yvane Daire (Rennes 2 University) and in Le Mans the unit is led by Aline Durand. CReAAH structures and unifies research in humanities, social sciences and archaeology, with a strong international orientation and an excellent track record in project partnerships: its fourth team works on the theme of identities, and also on the body.
ANHIMA (Anthropology and History of Ancient Worlds) was founded in 2010, from the merger of three pre-existing teams: The L. Gernet Centre – Comparative Research into Ancient Societies, the G. Glotz Centre – Research on Hellenistic and Roman Worlds, and Phéacie – Cultural Practices in Greek and Roman Societies. ANHIMA’s unique situation in the national and international landscape of research into Antiquity derives from these teams’ complementarity. The L. Gernet Centre promoted a historical and comparative anthropology approach giving priority to the study of social and religious practices and representations. The Glotz Centre was primarily inscribed in the tradition of institutional, political, economic, social, and religious history. The Phéacie team had opened up new perspectives for the study of cultural identities, gender history and the definition of politics.