


Programme leads


Isabelle Pimouguet-Pédarros

Professor of Ancient History, Nantes University

Isabelle Pimouguet-Pédarros is Professor of Ancient History at Nantes University and a member of CRHIA. After leading the French archaeological mission in Myra-Andriakè from 2011 to 2018, she published Archéologie de la défense. Histoire des fortifications antiques de Carie, PUFC, 2000, followed in 2010 by Les sièges de Rhodes de l’Antiquité à la période moderne in collaboration with N. Faucherre (Presses Universitaires de Rennes), as well as La cité à l’épreuve des rois. Le siège de Rhodes par Démétrios poliorcète (305-304 av. J.-C.), Presses Universitaires de Rennes (2011). In addition to her studies on fortifications and siege warfare in Greek and Hellenised worlds (techniques and tactics, powers and representations), since 2017 she has been researching armed conflicts and extreme violence in the Hellenistic period from an anthropological perspective – as discussed in her forthcoming study on La transgression en temps de guerre de l’Antiquité à nos jours (Presses Universitaires de Rennes), co-edited with N. Barrandon.


Nathalie Barrandon

Professor of Ancient History, Reims Champagne-Ardenne University.

After a doctoral thesis on the early days of Romanisation in Hispania Citerior at Bordeaux III University, Nathalie Barrandon was appointed Senior Lecturer at Nantes University (2006-2018). Her research on ancient societies and the administration of the Roman Empire in the last two centuries of the Roman republic led her to a new area of study: the massacres carried out by Romans during wars of conquest, in the context of the pacification of provinces and during civil wars. In 2018 she published Les massacres de la République romaine (Fayard). Since then she has been Professor of Ancient History at URCA and a member of Cerhic. With I. Pimouguet Pedarros, she has initiated a research programme on wartime transgression from Antiquity to today

Main partners


Annie Allely

Senior Lecturer in Ancient History, Maine (Le Mans – Laval) University

Annie Allély is a qualified teacher and lecturer and has been Senior Lecturer at Le Mans University since 1998. She is a member of CReAAH. She has two main research strands. First, political history since the end of the Roman Republic. Her thesis, published in 2004, examined the political life of Lepidus (Triumvir). Her Habilitation thesis, published in 2012, explored an extermination procedure for political enemies under the Roman Republic: ‘hostis’ declarations. Her second research strand is the history of the body in Rome, with several publications on handicaps among children in Rome and the Empire from the Republican period to late Antiquity, as well as on the body and wartime violence during the Roman Republic.


Jean-Baptiste Bonnard

Senior Lecturer in Greek History, Caen University

A qualified lecturer and researcher as well as a Senior Lecturer in Greek History at Caen University, Jean-Baptiste Bonnard researches Ancient Greek society and culture, and more specifically the history and anthropology of family and the body. His books include Le complexe de Zeus. Représentations de la paternité en Grèce ancienne, Paris, 2004 and, with V. Dasen and J. Wilgaux, Famille et société dans le monde grec et en Italie du ve siècle av. J.-C. au iie siècle av. J.-C., Rennes, 2017. He edited Corps, gestes et vêtements : les manifestations du politique, Caen, 2019 ; he has also published chapters in edited volumes : La violence dans les mondes grec et romain, Paris, 2005; Parenté et société dans le monde grec de l’Antiquité à l’âge moderne, Bordeaux, 2006; Corps au supplice et violences de guerre dans l’Antiquité, Bordeaux, 2014.

Transversal themes leads

The sacred


Ninon Grangé

Maître de conférences en philosophie à l'université de Paris 8

Ancienne élève de l’École Normale Supérieure-Ulm, agrégée et docteure en philosophie, habilitée à diriger les recherches, Ninon Grangé enseigne à l’université Paris 8 et au Nouveau Collège d’Études Politiques. Elle est membre du LLCP (Laboratoire sur les logiques contemporaines de la philosophie) et du CERPHI (Centre d’études en philosophie, rhétorique et histoire des idées). Ses recherches portent sur le conflit, les états d’exception, le fictionnalisme et le réalisme, la mémoire collective, les temporalités politiques, les rapports entre concepts et images. Elle a publié L’urgence et l’effroi. L’état d’exception, la guerre et les temps politiques (ENS-Éd., 2018), Oublier la guerre civile ? Stasis : chronique d’une disparition (Vrin-EHESS, 2015), De la guerre civile (A. Colin, 2009), et a dirigé des ouvrages sur Hans Kelsen, Carl Schmitt, la guerre au XVIIe siècle, Hannah Arendt, Günther Anders, la théorie critique…



Giusto Traina

Professeur d'histoire ancienne à l’université de Paris 4 Sorbonne

Giusto Traina est professeur d’histoire romaine à Sorbonne Université, membre du Conseil scientifique de la recherche historique de la Défense. Il est également chargé du cours “Histoire de la guerre et de la sécurité» pour le Master «Droit international, relations internationales et diplomatie» (Sorbonne Abu Dhabi). Spécialiste des relations militaires, diplomatiques et culturelles entre l’Empire romain et l’Orient, il anime à Sorbonne Université le séminaire « Géographie, relations internationales, conflits Ier-VIe s. ap. J.-C.) » (master/doctorat). Il dirige la Revue internationale d’Histoire militaire ancienne (HiMA). Parmi ses publications récentes: direction de Mondes en guerre, Tome I, De la préhistoire au Moyen Age, Paris, Passés composés, 2019. Co-direction, avec Ricardo González Villaescusa et Jean-Pierre Vallat, de Les mondes romains. Questions d'archéologie et d'histoire, Ellipses, Paris 2020. 428, une année ordinaire à la fin de l'Empire romain, Nouvelle édition revue et corrigée, Pluriel Fayard, Paris 2020.



Jérôme Wilgaux

Maître de conférences en histoire ancienne à l'université de Nantes

Maître de conférences en histoire ancienne à l'Université de Nantes, Jérôme Wilgaux consacre ses recherches à l’étude de la société et de la culture grecques antiques, ses publications portant notamment sur les questions de parenté ainsi que les représentations du corps. Il a ainsi collaboré à la publication de nombreux ouvrages collectifs, dont Parenté et société dans le monde grec de l’Antiquité à l’âge moderne, Ausonius Études 12, Bordeaux, 2006 ; L’argument de la filiation. Aux fondements des sociétés européennes et méditerranéennes, Éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l’homme, Paris, 2011 ; Famille et société dans le monde grec et en Italie du Ve siècle av. J.-C. au IIe siècle av. J.-C., Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2017.

Programme members


Bertrand Augier

Senior Lecturer in Ancient History, Nantes University

Bertrand Augier is Senior Lecturer at Nantes University, a member of CRHIA and former member of the Ecole Française de Rome. In 2016, he defended a thesis called ‘Homines militares. Les officiers dans les armées romaines entre 49 et 31 av. J.-C.’ His current research focuses on the new Italian senators between the Social War and Augustus, as well as crises in the late Republican period. He is the author of several publications on this topic. With F. Santangelo (Newcastle University), he leads the project ‘Italian Power. The Civic Elites of Roman Italy, 338 BCE-305 CE,’ funded by the Ecole Française de Rome as part of the ‘Impulsion’ programme.


Jean-Luc Bastien

Senior Lecturer in Ancient History, Reims Champagne-Ardenne University

After qualifying as a researcher and lecturer in History in 1994, Jean-Luc Bastien started a doctorate on ceremonies of triumph, under the supervision of Elizabeth Deniaux. His PhD, awarded at Paris X Nanterre University in 2002, was published in 2007, with the title Le triomphe romain et son utilisation politique à Rome aux trois derniers siècles de la République, in the series Collection de l’École Française de Rome (Number 392). After about 15 years as a secondary school teacher, he was recruited as Senior Lecturer in Roman History at Rennes 2 University in 2008, subsequently joining Reims University and CERHiC in 2015. His current research focuses on the political aspects of some cults in Rome – in particular around Castor and Pollux – on Republican coins as well as on the cultural construction of time through the study of calendars.


Jeannine Boëldieu-Trevet

Expert – CRHIA member

Jeannine BOELDIEU-TREVET is a qualified lecturer and researcher in History. She holds a PhD in Ancient History and is an associate researcher with CRHIA (International and Atlantic History Research Centre, Nantes University). Her thesis on Exercice et art du commandement durant la guerre du Péloponnèse (Rennes II University, supervised by Yvon Garlan) was published under the title Commander dans le monde grec au Ve siècle avant notre ère at the Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, Besançon, 2007. Either alone or in collaboration, she has published various articles and taken part in roundtable discussions and conferences on commandment, siege war, violence, savagery, intolerable acts and transgressions in war times as well as the relationships between war, societies and power. She has also studied the works of Herodotus (Lire Hérodote, in collaboration with Daphné Gondicas, Rosny-sous-Bois, Bréal, 2005), Xenophon and Aeneas Tacticus.

Pierre-Luc Brisson

Pierre-Luc Brisson

Docteur en histoire ancienne à l'Université du Québec à Montréal

Pierre-Luc Brisson has a Ph.D. in ancient history (Université du Québec à Montréal, 2020) and is a Banting Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Histories and Classical Studies of McGill University (Montreal). Dr. Brisson is also an associate member of the Centre de Recherches en Histoire Internationale et Atlantique (CRHIA). His recent work focuses on the development of Roman imperialism in the 2nd century B.C. and mid-republican Rome's cultural and political history. He is the author of a forthcoming monograph, soon to be published in the French Supplements to Phoenix entitled 'Le moment unipolaire : Rome et la Méditerranée hellénistique (188-146 a.C.)'. The book addresses the complex issue of the transformation of the ancient international system under the influence of Rome. He has also written several recent articles, notably on the Third Punic War (MEFRA, 2019) and on the relations between Rome and the Hellenistic world (REG, 2018).


Ludi Chazalon

Senior Lecturer in Ancient Art History, Nantes University

Ludi Chazalon’s thesis examined ‘Les vases attiques à figures noires de la collection Bourbon du Musée Archéologique National de Naples’. A member of the research unit ‘Archéologie et Architectures LARA’ (Nantes – UCReAAH), she has a variety of research interests, such as Archaeological ceramics studies (Gallic sites: Lattes, Le Cailar, Antibes, Vix, Lavau, Aleria ; Italian sites : Cumae, Napoli and surrounding areas), historiographic and iconographic studies on Ceramica Attica, in particular on representations of the body and violence. She has published : ‘Itys : tué par sa mère, mangé par son père. La victime dans le mythe figuré de Térée et Procnè, au Ve s. av. J.-C.,’ in Expositions, sacrifices et ragoûts d'enfants, Colloque de Clermont-Ferrand d’octobre 2008, Clermont-Ferrand, 2012, pp. 125-138, ‘Violences et transgressions dans le mythe de Térée,’ with J. Wilgaux, AION 2009, pp. 171-193. ‘Le mythe de Térée, Procnè et Philomèle dans les images attiques’. Mètis, n.s.1, 2003, pp. 119-148.


Jean-Christophe Couvenhes

Senior Lecturer in Greek History, Paris IV-Sorbonne University

A Senior Lecturer in Greek History in the Faculté des Lettres at the Sorbonne, Jean-Christophe Couvenhes is also a member of the research unit AnHiMA and co-editor of the journal HiMA. He is a specialist, among others, of war and military societies in the Greek world, with a focus on Athens and Sparta during the Hellenistic period. With F. Gazzano and G. Traina, he has co-edited Plutarque et la guerre/Plutarco e la guerra, éd., HiMA, 8 (2019), 327 p. He has written many articles, including ‘Le rouge porté au combat à Sparte : une couleur sang mais laquelle ?,’ in L. Bodiou and V. Mehl (éd.), L’Antiquité écarlate : le sang des Anciens, Rennes, PUR, 2017, pp. 61-74 ; ‘L’invention d’une catégorie intellectuelle et historique : la bataille hoplitique selon Victor D. Hanson et ses constructions idéologiques dans le monde grec antique,’ in J. Baechler and O. Chaline (eds.), La Bataille, Paris, 2018, pp. 51-62.


Immacolata Eramo

Research Engineer, Bari University

Immacolata Eramo is a research engineer at Bari University, where she teaches classical philology and Latin language and literature. She is also an associate researcher at the Institut des Sciences et Techniques de l’Antiquité, in Besançon. She is a specialist of classical philology; her scientific interests focus on military literature and Greek and Latin historiography, the history of the ancient military tradition and the history of classical philology. She coordinated the critical edition of the treatise Rhetorica militaris de Syrianus Magister (Bari, 2010) et du De militari scientia (Besançon, 2018), and contributed to the edited volume Mondes en guerre, vol. I, De la préhistoire au Moyen Age, ed. G. Traina, Paris 2019. She has just published a monograph on Frontinus’s Strategemata, published in November 2020. Her most recent articles include: ‘Conciones praeclarae habentur. The rediscovery of Appian in Fulvio Orsini’s notes on the Excerpta de legationibus’ in Conciones ex historicis excerptae. Nuevos estudios sobre las antologías de discursos historiográficos, ed. J. Carlos Iglesias-Zoido, Coimbra, 2020; ‘Sulla tradizione dello Strategicon dell’imperatore Maurizio : i comandi latini’, Bizantinistica s. II, 20, 2019.


Sophie Hulot

ATER à l’université d’Aix Marseille

Sophie Hulot is a graduate of the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, a qualified lecturer and researcher as well as a Doctor in Roman History. In 2019, she defended a thesis called ‘La violence de guerre dans le monde romain (fin du IIIème s. av. J.-C.- fin du Ier s. ap. J.-C.).’ She is currently an Associate lecturer at Aix‑Marseille University, and part of the Centre Paul-Albert Février (TDMAM). Her research focuses on violence production processes during Roman wars, as well as representations of Rome in this area. She works on the concept of ‘the human cost of wars’ with respect to the Ancient period. By drawing on archaeology, anthropology and sociology, she is developing a transdisciplinary approach to the history of violence. Sophie Hulot’s analysis now examines the place of soldiers in Rome’s internal politics (Republic and Early Empire).


Nikolina Kéï

Research Engineer at EHESS

Nikolina Kéi has a PhD in History and Civilisations, having completed a thesis on ‘L'esthétique des fleurs: kosmos, poikilia et charis dans la céramique attique du VIe et Ve siècle av. J.-C.’ She is a research engineer at EHESS, specialised in image analysis in relation to the Greco-Roman world, and is attached to the research unit ANHIMA. She has taught Greek art and archaeology at Paris 1-Sorbonne since 2010, and since 2018, with Cécile Colonna, has co-hosted the seminar ‘Vases grecs: images, corpus, collections’ at INHA. Her research focuses primarily on Attic pottery imagery, with special reference to the relation between figures and ‘ornaments’, as well as the staging of space, bodies and their adornments. She has published two articles on bodies exposed to violence: ‘Du corps mutilé aux membres magnifiés,’ i F. Gherchanoc and S. Wyler (eds.), Corps antiques : morceaux choisis, Mètis, n. s. 17, 2019, pp. 77-97 and ‘La vulnérabilité mise en scène : blessures et soins sur les images antiques,’ in L. Bodiou, V. Mehl (eds.), L’Antiquité écarlate : le sang des Anciens, coll. ‘Les cahiers du corps antique’, PUR, 2017, pp. 75-91.


Amarande Laffon

Post-doctoral researcher, Nantes University

Amarande Laffon is a qualified lecturer and researcher in Classics with a doctorate in Greek Studies. Her thesis on ‘L’anarchia en Grèce antique,’ defended in 2016 at Paris-Sorbonne, was co-supervised by Professors Paul Demont and François Lefèvre. Her research focuses on the history of ideas and political institutions in Greece, in connection with the notions of power and authority and the various ways of questioning commandment. She taught Greek history as a doctoral assistant, associate lecturer and as a lecturer at Paris IV Sorbonne, Le Havre University and Aix Marseille University – where she was part of the research project Livrer sa cité à l’ennemi – Caen University and Bourgogne University. She joined the PARABAINO project team, within CRHiA, in February 2020.


Antoni Ñaco del Hoyo

Research Professor in Ancient History, ICREA (Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies) and University of Girona

Trained in Barcelona, Berkeley and Oxford, Toni Ñaco del Hoyo joined ICREA in 2009. His research focuses mainly on the history and archaeology of the Roman Republic. Thanks to Spanish research grants (2015–8, 2019–21), he co-leads a team on the Roman intervention in the north-east of Hispania Citerior and its connectivity across the north-east of the Mediterranean. In addition, he has published many works on Republican taxation, collateral damages, garrison strategies, asymmetric warfare, military intelligence and logistics, crisis management, international relations and peace consolidation studies in the classical world. In 2018 he co-edited a Brill volume on War, Warlords and Interstate relations in the Ancient Mediterranean (Leiden-Boston 2018), with a list of high-profile multidisciplinary contributors. He was recently invited to co-edit Brill’s Companion to Mercenaries in the Ancient Western Mediterranean. He us currently co-editing a collective volume on Rome and the North-Western Mediterranean Integration and Connectivity, c. 150-70 BC for Oxbow Books (Oxford).


Pascal Payen

Professor of Greek History, Toulouse 2 University

Pascal Payen is Professor of Greek History at Toulouse – Jean Jaurès University. He is the author of Les Îles nomades. Conquérir et résister dans l’Enquête d’Hérodote (1997), Plutarque, Grecs et Romains en parallèle (1999), Johann Gustav Droysen, Histoire de l’Hellénisme (Introduction, 2005), with D. Foucault : Les Autorités. Dynamiques et mutations d’une figure de référence à l’Antiquité (2007), with V. Fromentin and S. Gotteland : Ombres de Thucydide. La réception de l’historien depuis l’Antiquité jusqu’au début du XXe siècle (2010), ‘Les historiens anciens comme autorités. Repères xve-xixe siècles,’ in Ipse dixit. L’Autorité intellectuelle des historiens anciens, M. T. Schettino and C. Urlacher-Becht (eds.) (2017), Les revers de la guerre en Grèce ancienne. Histoire et historiographie (2012). More recently, he has published the synthesis La Guerre dans le monde grec, VIIIe-VIe siècles (2018). Pascal Payen also works on the links between anthropology and history in Ancient Greece, for instance ‘Sur la violence de guerre en Grèce ancienne. Anthropologie, histoire et structure,’ in Anthropologie de l’Antiquité. Anciens objets, nouvelles approches, P. Payen and E. Scheid-Tissinier (eds.), Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, pp. 201-238.

Anne Vial-Logeay

Anne Vial-Logeay

Senior Lecturer in Latin language, literature and civilization at the University of Rouen Normandy

Anne Vial-Logeay is a qualified lecturer and researcher as well as a Senior Lecturer in Latin language, literature and civilization at the University of Rouen Normandy. She works on the transmission of knowledge and culture to the republican and imperial era. His current research focuses mainly on ancient encyclopedism and the imagination of the City. To be published: A. Vial-Logeay, G. Traina eds, L’Inventaire du monde de Pline l’Ancien. Des colonnes d’Hercule aux confins de l’Orient, éd. Ausonius.


Noémie Villacèque

Senior Lecturer in Greek History, Reims Champagne-Ardenne University

Noémie Villacèque has been a Senior Lecturer in Ancient History at Reims Champagne-Ardenne University since 2013 and she is part of CERHiC; she is currently seconded to the CNRS, within the ANHIMA research centre, to work on the question of luxury in Athenian democracy. Her thesis was published by the Presses universitaires de Rennes, with the title Spectateurs de paroles! Délibération démocratique et théâtre à Athènes à l’époque classique (2013). Among other publications, she is the author of: ‘Ta mère! Insulte et généalogie à la tribune démocratique’, in Aurélie Damet and Vincent Azoulay (eds.), Maudire et mal dire : paroles menaçantes en Grèce ancienne, in Cahiers ‘ Mondes Anciens’, 5, 2014, online : https://mondesanciens.revues.org/1242; ‘De la bigarrure en politique (Platon, République, VIII, 557c 4 sqq.),’ Journal of Hellenic Studies, 130, 2010, pp. 137-152. She has also edited the volume À l’Assemblée comme au théâtre. Pratiques délibératives des Anciennes, perceptions et résonances modernes (PUR 2018). Since 2005, she has been on the editorial board of the journal Anabases. Traditions et réception de l’Antiquité.

PhD students working with the programme

Julien Baldacini

Julien Baldacini

PhD student, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS)

Julien Baldacini is a PhD student at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences) (EHESS) and a member of ANHIMA since 2021. In 2019, he completed a Mastery’s Dissertation about general and communication during siege in Ancient Greece. He continues his research by including the effects of siege on city with his PhD entitled Les cités grecques à l’épreuve de la guerre de siège : étude d’histoire politique, militaire et sociale de la Guerre du Péloponnèse au siège de Rhodes (Greek cities face to siege : an political, military and social research in history, from the Peloponnesian War to the siege of Rhodes). His research is supervised by Isabelle Pimouguet-Pédarros, Professor of Ancient History at Nantes University, and Vicent Azoulay, Studies Director at the EHESS. The multi-faceted approach of his research leads to several analytic strands regarding the fate of civil population and defenders after the siege, and the acts of extreme violence in this particular warfare context.

Thibault Carbonnot

Thibault Carbonnot

PhD student, CERHiC and URCA

Thibault Carbonnot is a PhD student in Roman history attached to CERHiC and URCA. In the course of a Master of Research, he worked for two years on the fear of Roman soldiers against Celtic and Germanic barbarians, from 125 B.C to 69 A.D. This previous project allowed him to expend his research in this area and, in 2021, he started a PhD entitled “The emotions of the soldier during the Roman war (264 BC – 180 AD)”, under the supervision of Nathalie Barrandon. Therefore, his research focuses on mental, psychological, and emotional tendencies of the Roman soldier, in the heart of the fight and its surroundings. He mainly concentrates on the reconstruction of the ancient soldier’s experience through ancient texts, images, and archeological findings, but also the experiences of soldiers in the modern wars. The main objective of this project is to establish and understand the role(s) of emotions in the Roman war, for the soldiers, the thinkers, as well as decision-makers.


Régis Guet

PhD student, Nantes University

Régis Guet is working on a PhD in Ancient History at Nantes University and is a member of CRHIA. In 2014, he completed a Master’s Dissertation on elephants and scythed chariots in Hellenistic wars. Since 2017, he has pursued this line of inquiry, under the supervision of I. Pimouguet-Pédarros, extending it to the study of other Eastern mounted troops: Cataphractarii and Dromadari camel riders. His approach to this topic, which is military, sociological and cultural, has led him to develop several analytical strands regarding the violence of Eastern mounted troops and its impact on those who witnessed it or fell victim to it. He has taken part in a postgraduate conference on the theme of war violence in Antiquity and the Middle Ages, held at Poitiers University in 2018. His intervention, on ‘Le corps du guerrier à l’épreuve des chars à faux aux époques achéménide et hellénistique (vie-ier s. av. n. è.)’, was published the following year in Annales de Janua. His work has also led him to explore executions of traitors and rebels by elephants in the Hellenistic world.


Pierre-Emmanuel Lebonnois

PhD student, Nantes University

Pierre-Emmanuel Lebonnois teaches history and geography at secondary school level, and Ancient history as an associate lecturer at Nantes University. His PhD examines wars of extermination in Antiquity and genocidal experiences in the contemporary period, through historiographic and didactic approaches. His research is supervised by Isabelle Pimouguet-Pédarros, Professor of Ancient History at Nantes University, and Sylvain Doussot, Senior Lecturer in Didactics of History at the Institut national supérieur du professorat et de l’éducation.


Paul Michoudet-Fontsere

PhD student, Nantes University

Paul MICHOUDET-FONTSERE is a PhD student in Ancient History at Nantes University and a member of CRHIA. His PhD, supervised by Isabelle Pimouguet-Pédarros, is entitled « Armement et expérience du combat dans les armées de terre hellénistiques ». Using technical and practical observation of arms and armour, as well as a biomechanical analysis of combat through methods derived from ‘living history/living archaeology’ and ‘archaeology of gesture’, he aims to open up new research perspectives on the reality of war wounds inflicted by fighters. He has taken part in study days on La violence guerrière, de l'Antiquité au Moyen-Âge (JANUA, Poitiers University, 26/04/2018) and Recherches sur la guerre de siège de l’Antiquité à nos jours (Nantes University, 29/03/2019), speaking on ‘Les blessures au combat dans les armées hellénistiques à partir de l’observation typologique de l’armement individuel’ and ‘La pratique du combat urbain par les guerriers hellénistiques : aperçus tactiques et expérience combattante’ respectively.