


Case Studies

This site makes available to all short text commentaries and iconographic resources produced as part of the research of the PARABAINO programme. These Case Studies present the document and then offer a brief analysis by a member of the team or researchers associated with the programme.


Building a digital corpus, thanks to the support of HumaNumLoire, makes it possible to analyse Latin and Greek texts. This, in turn, leads to creating a lexicon, which is populated as the study progresses. Greek and Latin have an extensive vocabulary. For instance, several words are used to refer to massacres. Studying this vocabulary closely is one of the main objectives of the PARABAINO programme. Transgression is a construct, which rests in part on the meaning of the words used.

Select bibliography

Two bibliographies are shared here. The first one refers to scientific works and articles dealing with wartime massacres, extreme violence and transgression in Greek and Roman Antiquity. The second bibliography offers broader perspectives by presenting studies on this theme, but from different historical periods. The programme’s aim is indeed to open up a multidisciplinary, trans-period dialogue, especially since it is part of a funding call dedicated to genocide.